As always, Atkinson brings a mysterious, eerie beauty to her music with "No Part of Me Ever Dies." She told me what the song was about. You can read about it at Even More Mysterious Than Before.
I recently went on a very long hike looking for the ghost town of Melmont, Washington. It was a great example of building things up too much in the imagination.
The town wasn't nearly as ghostly or as dramatic as I'd envisioned it would be. The trail was great, though. I wrote about it over at my travel blog, Northwest Nomad: I'm experimenting with publishing a novel chapter by chapter on the Medium platform.
With publishing changing so quickly, I want to see what happens when I fully embrace the digital evolution and build an audience chapter by chapter with the project coming to completion as readers follow along. Check it out. Chapter 1: ClayClay made it halfway to the woods before floodlights snapped on and bathed him in light. He pushed himself into a dead sprint without wasting one second looking back. His head reeled from dehydration and starvation, but the memory of his mother’s face drove him onward. He would not die out there in the wilderness and leave her forever wondering what happened to her vanished son. Not without a fight, anyway. He’d just reached the cover of trees when a woman’s voice called over a bullhorn. “There’s no place for you to run, Clayton. Come back. We can talk this out.” He recognized the voice as Karen’s — his supposed friend, supposed sister. “If we have to go after you, talking will no longer be an option. Nobody wants that.” Contined at: |
August 2022
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