I didn't meet the Foot, unfortunately, but I DID get a fantastic hamburger.
The story is over at my travel site, Northwest Nomad. You can read it here (click the 'here' ;)).
I don't normally publish this kind of material, but this new system has worked so well for me that I can't help it. This is simple but immensely stuff, not only for staying in shape but also for boosting productivity: https://nwestnomad.com/uncategorized/how-to-stay-in-shape-while-working-from-home-herschel-walker-your-way-to-wellness/ The Stoner Boys got stoned in Stoner Woods, and that was all that anybody figured they would ever do — including the Stoner Boys.
Missy Churmblo would become a psychologist, Joe Maglietti would take over his father’s construction business, and the Stoner Boys would smoke dope in Stoner Woods. Maybe they’d get some poor girl knocked up, work menial jobs, and do a little jail time, just like all the other white trash kids from the Sunset Trailer Park. Not much else was likely to come of them, though. No, the truth wasn’t pretty, but it was the natural progression of existence. Complaining about that fact was like gazelle complaining about lions: pointless. At least, that was how people saw things before the Sunset Matinee. Continued: https://medium.com/lit-up/the-sunset-matinee-1-21b9b99d0f64 For however long I have left to live, I will tell my story, which is the story of what really lurks below Tacoma, Washington.
If these blogs stop and I go dark, tell them I went down fighting. Tell them I tried. I love you all. May God save us. My confession: https://nwestnomad.com/uncategorized/secret-worlds-of-tacoma-washington/ A single star rises and pierces the darkness. Spider webs cocooning the great forest dissipate like smoke under the touch of the star’s illumination.
With the light comes a rider, bold and proud in his saddle, one hand holding a battle-worn stave, the other outstretched, palm open and turned up, a battered steel circlet around his head. The star rises in union with his nearing the forest, like a balloon tethered to his back by a very long string. In the city in the forest, people pour out from their houses cheering, squinting in the light after 57 years of darkness. Continued: https://jeffsuwak.medium.com/57-to-1-8a7c0bdd07ed The Diary of Magnus Cray continues. Is there still time to stop the Virus? Yes or no, Mangus intends to find out. Print version is here. Audio: The door is open. The church on Parsons Street. The one with the holes in its windows. Go there and see... This story was originally published in Medium. An audio version is now available here: An unnerving blog appeared yesterday. No one's sure exactly what to make of it. This Magnus Crazy guy...no one can find out who or what he is. Something about his story seems legitimate, though. If so, then we have much bigger things than a virus to worry about. God help us. Diary of Magnus Cray (Day 1) My drabble (a story under 300 words-long) was published in Adler's Writing back in 2018. I made an audio version of it. The story is about a six-year-old boy named Darnell Short. He sneaks inside a magician's hat to find out where the rabbits come from. I've taken my new video experiments to a new level and actually put myself before the camera.
I immediately regret it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F82AvmWsxY&feature=youtu.be |
August 2022
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